Sunday, January 30, 2011

Couch Park

(For those not from Portland, that is pronounced  cooch park, and is not named after furniture.) During the girls' acting class on Fridays, we get time to play with Amarra and do something special for her. This week it was actually not raining so the four of us took a leisurely stroll (okay, so Dash rode while eating my shirt) up to Starbucks (Thought of you, Heather, as we passed the Lee Apts.) and hung out there for a bit before walking back down to the playground where Amarra ran Joel ragged and I followed them around, thoroughly entertained.  Amarra may be quiet, but she is fearless, and a little bit crazy. (Daring, with a slightly dark sense of humor, I must say!)  We all had a great time!  Then we went to go pick up her sisters, and she got to make them a little bit jealous. :) Good times!

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