Saturday, February 5, 2011

I'm Reading a Book!

I had a proud moment this week! I had to punish Seleia and Elora for sneaking books after bedtime. Flashlights under the covers and everything. (Now if they would like to read in bed they know to ask and that unless it is very late that Mama will probably let them keep the lights on for 20 minutes.) Joel laughed at me for coming out after dealing with a smile on my face.....but my little girls are finally picking up on the joy of reading!  And now, the adventures begin!


Anonymous said...

He scares me.....

Melanie said...

Yes, but the girls think he is HILARIOUS and when we were singing the song we got Dashiell's first belly laugh!! (Like I said, slightly dark senses of humor around here...)

Saerwen said...

I LOVE that video! So funny! :)