Thursday, May 26, 2011

O Happy Day

To see the faith of a child  become the faith of a blossoming individual is truly something amazing. The fact that my eight year old decided to give her life to God this week...that she can see that life is not just about herself, not just about the here and now, that there is more to this world than what she can see, feel, touch....and to want to dedicate her whole self to doing what is more beautiful than I can express with words. (Or, to quote Seleia's favorite song, "more than the words in my brain can express".) The fact that when she decided, "Mom, I want Daddy to baptize me in the lake. Tonight.", such wonderful friends and family showed up with no more than an hour of notice (some less!) to support Seleia, cheer her on, and just love her in general was overwhelming. (That her daddy couldn't get through it without tears made me love him even more, if possible.)  Now Seleia isn't just my daughter, she's my sister. Forever. I think she said it best: "Mom, I feel"

O Happy Day ~ When Jesus washed my sins away!


Anonymous said...

I LOVE these pictures! Seleia, I love you so much and am so proud of you! God has amazing plans for your life, and I am blessed to be able to watch it! My prayers are with you always! Love, Mimi

Fiona Elizabeth Everest said...

Congrats Seleia! :) I am very, very happy for you ! :)