Monday, December 6, 2010

Finn's Pinata

Saturday the girls attended a party for Infinity, who was turning 7, and her little twin brothers,  who were turning one year old. Finn had a giant Strawberry Shortcake cake (that now, of course, the girls would like me to duplicate!) and a big pl' pinata. After Elora took a few whacks at it, she helped hold the rope and move it around while Seleia took her turn. Seleia ran all over the place with her new bff Jasmine (Jasi, although 3 months older than Seleia, came up to her waist.  It was pretty funny.) Amarra declined a turn at bat (too many people there for her taste!) but was not above going after the candy, once it was finally liberated from it's cardboard prison. Everyone got a very full goody bag of candy, and even shared some Skittles with Mama. :) Fun was had by all!


Who am I... said...

Looks like LOTSACANDY!!!

Fiona Everest said...

SKITTLES YOU HAD SKITTLES!!!!!! Lucky ducks. :) I know you felt Ammara, I get like that sometimes. :)