Monday, December 20, 2010

The Perfect Tree

Every year on the Saturday after Thanksgiving we pack up our family and head up the mountain to find the perfect Christmas tree. Usually we can wander for ages before we all agree, but this year we found it in less than half an hour. What took forever was the fact that there was just enough snow hanging around on the ground to have an ongoing snowball fight as we wandered through the trees! The girls were so delighted! Everyone had their own favorite tree, from Charlie Brown style to simply ginormous, but in the end we compromised (Compromise, according to Fancy Nancy's Splendiferous Christmas, means getting the tree that Mom likes best. Fairly accurate definition!) on a beautiful 9 footer. (You can see Joel hugging it above!) Dashiell hung out, chillin' in the Moby Wrap, just happy to be there! Seleia and Amarra sung (or rather hollered) Christmas carols while Elora "helped" load the tree on the truck. Afterward we headed home while singing along to what the girls have dubbed "Christmas Radio" and looked at all the festive lights. We could not have asked for more fun!

1 comment:

Saerwen said...

What fun!! By the way...THAT IS A HUGE TREE! :)