Monday, March 21, 2011

Fish Dissection

 We love to take classes at the Columbia Springs Fish Hatchery, and today Joel got to take Seleia to dissect a brown trout! They started by feeding some of the fish in one of the lakes (Columbia Springs is 100 acres and gorgeous. Very fun to hike there, too!) before heading to the laboratory classroom. Seleia was one of not many girls in the group, and the only girl at her table. (Apparently cutting open a dead fish is gross. But our science girl was not to be deterred!) She got to ask a few questions, answer a few questions, and do most of the actual dissecting. (When it came time to do the eyeball the boys shied away, and as she cut into it, it exploded. I'm told blood shooting through the air makes boys run away at lightning speed.) She drew a diagram in class of her trout....kissing a girl trout.  She and Daddy had a blast!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! Almost (but not really...:( ) like being there! I LOVE the picture with her hand up - shows such a great attitude and enthusiasm (as opposed to 'thuuuuusiasm....)! Seleia, I LOVE you and am so proud of you! Tell your Mom to give you a hug and kiss from me! Mimi