Sunday, July 24, 2011


The other morning our resident flamingo enthusiast (that would be Amarra for those of you who might not be in the know) was all a flutter.  Our neighbors lawn was I called my lovely neighbor to see what the dickens was going on over there, and was informed that they had been "flamingoed". A local church youth group had the most creative camp fund raiser I'd ever heard of. There was a number you could call to pay to have someone flamingoed. The flamingos would then reside at said house for two days before heading off somewhere else. (There was a sign in her yard along with all of the birds explaining why her lawn was suddenly covered in them. We debated calling to have our own yard flamingoed for the kids, but weren't sure how A would handle it when the two days were up.) "The first thing I thought of", said lovely mom neighbor, "was Amarra. Would the kids like to come over later and play with the flamingos?" Well, umm, yeah!


Anonymous said...

Oh wow, How cool is that, your children must have had such a shock when they saw it, what a great idea, very sweet!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, How cool is that, your children must have had such a shock when they saw it, what a great idea, very sweet!

Who am I... said...

Fun fun!