Monday, July 18, 2011

What We've Been Up To

Summer, sunshine, picnics, parties, friends and fun! I know I haven't posted for a bit...we've been busy! When you live in the Northwest, summer is oh-so-short so we try to take advantage of every minute. Dashiell has really been becoming his own little's so bittersweet! Whenever he meets people his own size he never quite knows what to make of them, and it's quite entertaining. The girls have been a bit spoiled....a super slide at this party, a bounce house at that one, etc. And have you tried the gelato at Costco, of all places? A. maze. ing. (And truly, I'm a gelato snob.) Oh, how we love to go outside and play!


Jersey Knitting Mama said...

Isn't summer great! My kids have been so spoil this summer too. Too much fun to be have. Enjoy!!!!! Your baby is getting so big so fast!

Anonymous said...

Oh lucky you guys, you all look to be really enjoying yourselves and weather.

next time your all out enjoying the sun spare a thought for us londoners because over here summer is pretty much over nothing but rain with a tiny bit of sunshine every now and then and lucky us they say its gonna rain for the next two weeks!