Sunday, January 8, 2012


What do you get when you mix 14 kids, a quadruple batch of gingerbread cookie dough and a table full of toppings? Why a rockin' good time, of course! I love watching kids create. Not only did they make some awesome cookies with the crazy variety of cookie cutters I inherited from GGB...giraffes, elephants, pigs, lips, etc....they created a safari in the garage. They made tickets you had to give to security, and then you were free to tour the grounds. They took videos of themselves acting all kind of nuts and then laughed hysterically when they watched them! The cookies were my favorite, though, hands down. Everything from a TARDIS and a dalek (and not even by my kids, ha!) to crime scene victims, baby zombies, and snow giraffes. Kisses.  Mustaches. Flamingos and palm trees, of course! Every sheet of cookies I put in the oven was so fun to check out, and I loved the pride in the faces of each and every artist that triumphantly brought me a sheet to bake! We're grateful for such a great group of friends!


Unknown said...

What a wonderful idea! I love the tickets for security lol We made cookies today-just boring old oatmeal cookies. Definitely stealing this for a rainy day!

Anonymous said...

OMG doctor who yes, crime scene victims on the other hand i was not expecting i lol!

They all must have had such a fab time; khai would have loved it, what kid wouldn't.

Very talented kid.