Monday, December 26, 2011

Happy Boxing Day

Can I just say that Boxing Day is a day that the good ol' U S of A should recognize? Recuperating from Christmas is a most necessary and useful event every year as far as I'm concerned. So the kiddos and I gave our little nod to the UK holiday by laying around, cleaning up from Christmas, eating leftovers and watching The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe. Soon we'll catch you up on the activities of our crazy holiday season and be back to posting as usual, but for now, here's hoping everyone had a lovely Christmas and has the best of the New Year to look forward to!


Anonymous said...

Christmas in Whoville?

Melanie said...

If only it came without packages, boxes, or bags!

Anonymous said...

But, at least it came without a spinning deadly Christmas tree - and with, of course, a sonic screwdriver.

Melanie said...

True dat.